Porcelain Portraits

Porcelain portraits have been used for decades as a way to further personalize monuments. Imprinting the image of your loved one on their monument immortalizes them in the eyes of future generations.

Today's photo porcelain production techniques are refined works of art that capture the spirit of our loved ones through high quality reproduction of the image with stunning details.

A scan of your photo is transfered to a high quality German porcelain blank using a metallic ink. The porcelain is then fired to temperatures above 1600°Fahrenheit. At these high temperatures, the ink permeates into the porcelain creating a highly durable portrait.

Porcelain portaits can be incorporated into any design on any monument. The exact placement of the portrait is usually determined during the layout process.



Available Shapes

Porcelain portraits are now available in many shapes. Oval, round, square, rectangular or heart shapes can all be used.

Portrait Info

  • you can email (or submit on disk) scanned images or images taken with a digital camera. If scanning a paper photo, scan at a minimum of 300 dpi and save as a .jpeg file.
  • the high temperatures experienced during manufacturing can change color tonalities. The final product may look a little different from your original photo.
  • Original photos are best, do not use a photocopy or a printed picture from a newspaper or magazine etc.
  • Objects or people may be removed or added
  • Alterations or retouching photographs can be done
  • Backgrounds may be removed, changed or replaced, images from different photos may be superimposed onto one image, clothing styles may be altered and virtually any image can be modified.
  • There is no need to cut or fold your original photograph
  • We can reverse people (mirror image), create a missing arm, etc.
  • Montages can be created with text and images provided by the family.
  • Black and white images can be colorized
  • Two or more persons on one original picture will be done at no additional charge.
  • We can eliminate all damages and wear from your photos. Creases, tears, ink spots, smoke stains, water damage.
  • Monument portraits are available in vertical or horizontal format.



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